Wow, “Potty Train Your Child By NOON” makes me so happy! It’s not the best book, it’s quite short and it doesn’t cover that much. I even find the layout a bit annoying. So what’s good about it then? Well, I just LOVE the SPIRIT and ENERGY the author uses to potty train her child. Somehow this book makes me think of it as a HIPPIE POTTY TRAINING method where it all is just a big party, everybody are happy and are having fun all the time! Do I recommend it? I DO! Considering the price of this book I think it’s a bargain! 😊
I must admit, when I first came across this book I was very skeptical. Potty train your child by NOON?! I mean come on… We all know that’s not going to happen. Or? The book seemed quite different from other potty training books and I was curious about the method. Since it was cheap I decided to purchase it. I thought that even if it is a total waste of money it’s not much more than what a visit to my local coffee shop would cost. If it was complete garbage I had 60-days money back guaranteed, so it felt safe. If you use the link below to purchase this book you will also get a 60-day money back guarantee.
Did I regret my purchase? No, not at all! Like I wrote in the beginning, it’s not the best potty training book when it comes to amount of content, but it’s very different from other potty training methods I’ve read about and it’s very much spot on. This gave me a lot of insight and different views on how to potty train. It also made me happy to read about someone who seemed to share my own values. If you want to have fun while potty training and don’t want to spend too much money, then this book is for you! But does it work? Well, keep reading to find out!
Who is Kim MacPherson?

Kim MacPherson, the author of Potty Train Your Child By NOON, is a parent who struggled with potty training her son Ian. Her first potty training session didn’t work out so well. After that she did a lot of research, read books and talked to other moms. Then she met a friend, who is a mother of three, she told Kim her “secret” potty training method. The method was a success and it ended up becoming the book Potty Train Your Child By NOON.
What does the book cover?
Like I wrote earlier, this book is short and very much straight to the point. Nothing wrong with that, some of us doesn’t want to spend hours reading a book, we just want to know what we need to know, spending as little time as possible. Just so you don’t think this book is short because the author didn’t put a lot of effort into it, that’s definitely not the case. Potty Train Your Child By NOON is what’s called a “29 minute book“. 29 minute books are books where only the essential is present and “the rest” is left out. In order to cover everything, the book has to be very well written, and it is!
In Potty Train Your Child By NOON you will get a very short introduction and background information. Then the book covers preparation, how to prepare yourself and how to prepare your child. Kim justifies her statements and explains why she thinks in certain ways. She covers how to know when your child is ready for potty training and goes through what you will need before starting potty training.
In most chapters she uses checklists, which is good. She also explains how she thinks about the decisions or ideas that she has. Then most of the book covers the actual potty training itself. It’s all well described and there’s even a schedule for the day. You don’t have to follow it but it’s nice to have and will give you a good idea what your day will look like.
What do I like about the book?
When reading Potty Train Your Child By NOON, it’s almost like you get an urge to start potty training immediately. It’s the happiest potty training method I’ve read about. I like that this method gives results fast. Depending on your child, she could be potty trained as early as by noon the very same day. Kim states that it could take less than an hour with some children! This is probably the fastest potty training method I’ve seen so far.
The best thing about this book is that it’s short and spot on. Upon completing the book, you will know exactly what to do in order to start potty training using this method. Completing the book doesn’t take more than half an hour, make it an hour including going back and read it twice. This means you can finish the book and even start preparations while your child is napping. Isn’t that great?
The method itself is also good and complies with my own values and ideas around potty training. For instance, it doesn’t embrace praise and rewards, which I think should be avoided when potty training. It doesn’t use any bribe techniques and is as far from scolding as you probably could get.
What could be better?
This is tricky, there are a lot of things that are missing or could be explained more in detail. Still, you need to keep in mind what kind of book this is. Potty Train Your Child By NOON is a 29 minute book. It should only cover exactly what you need to know in order to potty train your child. No more and no less. Potty Train Your Child By NOON fulfills this purpose by far!
I still miss many parts, like how to handle different scenarios, what to do when things don’t turn out as you’ve expected. I also want to know how to do when leaving home and traveling and so on. So yes, the book is lacking a lot of information I would like to know before and after potty training my children. Even so, I wouldn’t want it to be any different!
I think this book is brilliant and to address the culprits above, I would buy another book. Potty training in 3 days by Carol Cline is for instance a very comprehensive book that covers pretty much everything you could think of. But her method is very different from Kim’s even if some parts are similar.
Does Potty Train Your Child By NOON work?
This is one of the most important questions. I mean, what’s the point of using a method that doesn’t work? First of all, I didn’t use this method on my own children. I used my own method which includes parts I like from other methods, recommendations from studies and ideas based on my own values. Nevertheless, this method has many similarities with my own method and that’s also part of why I like it.
Second, every child is unique. There’s no one method that suits all children. That said, I do think this method is very successful. Using it will potty train your child while having fun and it might happen very quickly. Being potty trained by noon is most likely going to vary much from child to child. While it’s possible I believe there’s a good chance it might take at least a day. But the same goes for all potty training methods including potty training in 3 days methods.
As with all methods, a success or failure is highly corelated to your expectations. If you think your child will be using the toilet on her own with no accidents, wiping herself clean, washing hands and perhaps cleaning the toilet after a messy bowel movement, you will be disappointed. Expectations should be realistic and they also vary between methods.
So what can we expect from our child after using Potty Train Your Child By NOON? This is a quick and fun method only focusing on potty training. You can expect your child to know when to use the potty and how to use it when she needs to pee. Your child might use the potty when having bowel movements, however this might take a few extra days according to Kim. There’s likely to be accidents but your child will be diaper free during daytime.
Is it worth buying?
For someone who’s time is limited, this book is the perfect choice! If you only want to try one method and don’t want to read a bunch of books, I think this is a good book to choose. Kim’s method is quick, gentle and fun. This book has a very low price which makes it a good choice to start with.
If you already got other books or are planning on buying more than one book, I recommend this book as well. This book is different from most other potty training books I’ve read, so it will make a good complement to your other books.
Avoid scams and buying the wrong book
There are many potty training books out there. Some cheaper and some more expensive. If you decide to purchase Potty Train Your Child By NOON, be sure to use an official source to avoid being scammed.
If there’s any ongoing promotion or discount you can be sure to always get the best price by using the link below.
Thank you for reading my review, I hope you found it useful! You can leave a comment if you want. Please like us on Facebook if you enjoyed reading my articles. 😊
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂